There is a natural tendency at the end of a chapter and the beginning of a new one to look...
Read moreDetailsThere is a natural tendency at the end of a chapter and the beginning of a new one to look...
Read moreDetailsTo account for one’s heart, one needs to measure her/his actions, especially when nobody is watching or cares. On recent occasions,...
Read moreDetailsIn the world of tech start-ups, there are a lot of smooth talkers. As I listen to founders pitching their ideas,...
Read moreDetailsI do not know what I expected when I began looking for a coffee shop in a small Emirati town...
Read moreDetailsIn every conversation there is a starting point. Sometimes you do not need to ask what it is. In these conversations, care...
Read moreDetailsWatching how kids play brought back a flood of memories. A young father was trying to give enough space for them...
Read moreDetailsSome look at Christmas and forget their childhood. Others consider the holiday origin or the way businesses have hijacked the day...
Read moreDetailsWhen I catch myself in a tunnel, I do everything in my power to stop and refocus. One of my tactics...
Read moreDetailsThe conversation was intense, candid, and, frankly, not very pretty. Actions taken days previously were now visible to all. The trust and...
Read moreDetailsIt can be difficult to distinguish between a label, a handle, and a nickname. Depending on the relationship between the person...
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