Reinventing the wheel is a cliché that is alive and well. For a multitude of reasons, individuals and companies find it necessary to solve problems as if they have never been solved before. History is ignored. The wisdom of those that have been there and done that, are unseen. Evidence of what works appears to beyond the vision of those making decisions. As a result, history repeats itself.
I realize that I am talking to myself as much as I am to others. Everyday presents an opportunity to learn from what has already occurred. There are mistakes, moments of pain, and reasons to celebrate that are case studies in and of themselves. You and I do not need to be hostage to ignorance. We can use life as a teacher to reach for more. We can if we are willing to make the connections work.
It is important to acknowledge that writing about connections is always easier than making them. Additionally, it is natural to look at others and see the answer while being blind to the opportunities in things personal. I am often blind to the lessons Life wants to use to my advantage. In a moment of awareness, I find myself remind my heart of the following keys.
Looking at the larger picture is more important than following the obvious sequence of information. The observation made generations ago still applies; “Man was created first, as a beautiful shining reflection of God—that is true. But the head on a woman’s body clearly outshines in beauty the head of her ‘head,’ her husband.” (1 Corinthians 11.11) Am I will to look for more?
Recognizing that there are conflicting pieces of information and aspirations is required if one is to make an intentional choice. Life is more than formulas. Life is an expression of freedom reflecting the values we hold closest to our hearts.
Decisions often need to be made before we are comfortable. Incomplete information, uncertainty, and doubts are normal. We are call to act. Being engaged, learning, and growing are core to being alive.