I do not think I was any more rebellious in my “youth” than the next child. I spread my wings, fought for my space, and took my own decisions. I acknowledge that my exploits were risky most of the time. However, did any of us realize just how precarious life is at that age? I thought I knew what freedom was and I was determined to get it at any cost.
I may be older, hopefully more mature and wiser. Yet, the need for freedom is just as strong. It often never occurs to me that I may not know what is best for my soul. I find it hard to believe that someone else really cares about the inner me. I rebel when another makes a choice that limits my options, even when I would have taken the same decision! I want freedom!
No matter what others may say, God gives us absolute and total freedom. The God that I know never forces you or I into a box. He does not limit our ability to choose. The options before us are always ours to make. There is one catch; we must live with the results of our actions.
“You wanted your own way – now, how do you like it?” (Proverbs 1.31) Take a good look. Measure and evaluate the outcomes and impact of your actions. Understand and reflect on the reflection of your priorities and values. Again, how do you like it?
Yesterday I evaluated the outcome. I concluded in my analysis that the results were, and are truly ugly. People are getting hurt, even when that was not my intention. Others are facing significant challenges, yet I offer them little hope. My intentions are good, however in the end there are more flaws in my execution than not. Is this real freedom?
There is an alternative. God gives us total and absolute freedom with hope for the future. The question is never the past but of the present. Freedom is nothing without hope. God gives you and I the only true chance.