We live in an age of irony. We strive for work/life balance while working longer hours, traveling more, and seeing our families less. We even talk of team efforts, working for the common good, and sacrificing for a greater cause while giving the greatest rewards to those who are self centered, work along, and protect themselves above all else. Even when the mission is focused on service for others we count success by numbers and results. Everything is centered and focused on tomorrow’s outcomes.
Yet there are those who live in the present. They seem to ignore the mandatory need for results. Their focus appears to be on the conversation underway right now, not one which could happen tomorrow. Everything in the irony today is turned on its head. Trust is given up front instead of earned. Promises are made and kept. A simple word is stronger than realms of paper.
The contrast is stark. As I try to understand who fits in which category I have found a few surprises. Religion, spiritual belief, and outward appearances have no (zero) correlation to those who live in the moment. Yet another irony in which the very values many say they believe do not appear to touch the lives of the individual who holds them. Economic standing isn’t a correlating factor. Some of the poorest and richest are the most humble servants living for others moment by moment. Greed appears to penetrate every class, group, and demographic segment I have observed so far.
There is one thing that makes a difference. When the individual opens their eyes and catches a glimpse of Divinity – the God of compassion, love, mercy, and unconditional acceptance – his and her life is forever altered. Even in Jesus day it was obvious. Writers and prophets came into their own with the experience. An example came when “Isaiah said these things after he got a glimpse of God's cascading brightness that would pour through the Messiah.” (John 12.41)
Living in the present is different; it is also full of wonder, awe, and beauty.
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