“How can a young person live a clean life? By carefully reading the map of your Word.” Psalm 119.9
Getting ahead is part of my makeup. I cannot seem to help myself. I am competitive even when it does not matter. I want to win in every circumstance. Life is a game one plays to the fullest!
When I reflect I realize my response to my goals and striving are, “yes and no.”
What I really want is to get everything life can offer – every great experience, each awesome activity. I am looking for the best! There is no ifs or buts, living life to the fullest. I realize now, after years of hard work, that getting the most out of life has more to do with my relationships than with my activities. I know that my efforts will only pay off when my purpose is to achieve something other than self-satisfaction. I understand, but I do not seem to be able to realize my goals.
Why have I ingrained in my fibers that this means hard work for self, personal safety first, and a reasonable amount of self-defense and recognition? The answer lies is my source of strength and power. Without thought, I always go back to self-reliance. This is an old habit, which I cannot seem to change. The world continues to teach me that my habits are the only way for success and true happiness. The world is wrong.
God has a plan for my life and yours. God’s way may appear foolish, silly, and pointless but it is not. God’s words are powerful and can change us from the inside out if we let them. God’s voice may seem distant, but it is as close as your Bible.
God is looking for any opportunity we give him to exercise grace and love in our lives. We have a unique opportunity each day to turn towards him. Looking in His word, really listening for His voice will give us the way forward.
Real life, real progress, is waiting for us! It’s God.