A friend is on a quest to bake the perfect loaf of bread. I do not think his primary focus is on getting to the destination quickly. His quest involves experimenting, learning, getting better and sharing the outcome along the way with people who are enjoying his quest. His approach to his baking is a wonderful example of real in life.
Each step is an opportunity to learn, no matter how wonderful or bizarre the outcome is. From forgetting steps to trying shortcuts, from getting it right only to discovering there is a better way to do it, each attempt is a learning experience that can and should be celebrated! In the various attempts, I have had an opportunity to share in failures that looked bizarre while tasting wonderful. I have also enjoyed celebrating each outcome regardless of appearance or texture.
Starting with the best ingredients is always a good idea. Ready mixes can hint at the potential but they are never a substitute for fresh organic ingredients. When I compare the former to the latter, I find myself repeating a psalm out of context; “They’re bland as a bucket of lard, while I dance to the tune of your revelation!” (Psalm 119.70)
Life is more than a script. The wonderful part about the baking experience is learning the full meaning of each step. The nuances and details contribute to something better than one ever imagines! So much is possible if one is willing to get into the small, almost forgettable details of living.
Sharing with others helps one see more. As clear as one’s sight might be, sharing with others opens an opportunity to see farther, deeper, and in ways one could not otherwise see or understand.
Each milestone is a reason to celebrate. There are no bad outcomes! Each result is the start of a new chapter. In celebrating the finish one opens the door to fresh opportunities.
I love sampling his breads. I am inspired to join the quest. Who knows what will happen. In many ways, who cares! Life is for living.