Many faiths have a tradition of giving God thanks. I often wondered why some faiths time the thanksgiving before one has an opportunity to experience and appreciate what and why one is giving thanks. Some traditions recognize giving thanks with a belly full of great food and even better relationships which have grown through the breaking of bread together is stronger than offering a prayer trusting in what is to come. Ironically both ways carry their own risk. If you offer thanksgiving before you often find yourself slipping in a few requests; after all, the experience isn’t fresh and there are things on my mind! The flipside is equally risky. The meal, conversation, and things consumed can be so wonderful, relaxing, and peace filling that one’s cares, concerns, and at times need for God begins to drift into nothingness.
The events of thanksgiving pivot on one’s memory of the gift or act of giving. For many it isn’t enough for God to give us the opportunity of living. Even with the prospect of relationships, experiencing life first hand, and having the freedom of choice, one is left with an “I want more!” feeling. At the same time life pressures and experiences can overwhelm even the strongest. We know we are in trouble. We understand things are bad! We sense we are in a place which actions, decisions, and work is needed!
I find thanksgiving and being more important than anything above. I don’t always succeed, but I long for the moments where I am aware of everything God has and is doing. I can sense and feel Divinity at work – in my life and the lives around me.
So my advice to you is the same as I give myself. Remember, reflect, and treasure – just be. Then “Joyfully you'll pull up buckets of water from the wells of salvation. And as you do it, you'll say, ‘Give thanks to God. Call out his name. Ask him anything! Shout to the nations, tell them what he's done, spread the news of his great reputation!” (Isaiah 12.3, 4)
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